Services and Technology:

Your new website starts here!


Will I be able to edit myself?

One of the reasons I build my websites in WordPress is due this question. In WordPress, you will have your own account and you will be able to edit or change text or images as you desire, only the technical part will be hidden and even this can be change if you desire to have full access.

Who owns the website?

You will have total ownership of the website, domain and hosting as I highly recommend for the client to acquire both domain and hosting themselves as a Website represent a part of your business or brand and it belongs to you. I only need the login information to access, install WordPress and tweak any configuration necessary on the VPS for the correct function of the website.

How long will it take?

Understand that creating and designing a website is a two-way conversation. Here you can find my workflow so you can have an idea of what to expect. Said that, I could be done by my side and have the website ready for launch and being unable due some missing content, images or text. It is on the best interest for both of us to make it as smooth as possible.

So how exactly is the process of designing the website?

Once you agree to work with me and having spoke about the idea you have behind the website, either its layout or purpose I will start working on Adobe Xd to create a very simple grayscale website layout. If this is settled then we move to color, text, images and functionality with the layout you have agreed to.

Help Center

Any further questions?
E-mail me:

Services and Technology:

Mobile first

Recent trend on the website design business. The increase on the mobile use for browsing and the preference for local SEO, by Google, when users do searches queries on mobile makes a heavy reason to start building the website for mobile to make it look neat and move to desktop version.

Responsive design

A responsive design means that it will adapt, either by a grid or fluid way, to maintain the same information and design in different devices with minor changes adapting the website to the device screen size the user has.

Made in WordPress

I built my websites under CMS WordPress as it ensures the functionality the backend functionality my client’s needs while making it easy for them to edit small part of the websites, create new posts or products for their E-Commerce without any prior experience in coding.

Customized 404 Page

In order to avoid a blank error page that will produce users to exit the website, is nice to have a customized 404 page that informs the same message and still offers a way around for the users to keep engaging with the website by offering some relatable terms, a search bar or the main navigation menu.

UI & UX Proposal

To make sure the whole website is well designed and consistent, I start in Adobe Xd tool creating a simple wireframe of the design of the website in gray scale. This is due colors and images tend to distract for the main objective of having a clear and wanted design by the client.

Great SEO

Following Google guidelines and making sure to keep updated to the latest algorithm change, or meta description tweaks. I will produce great SEO tags with the content you provide to ensure a perfect SEO score.

Search Console Interaction

This tool allows to a better track for keywords and performance on the website from Google. It has some legacy tools to allow for international targeting and keeps track of any potential malware on the website.


This tool, in conjunction with the new Developers Lighthouse (included in Google Chrome), scan your website and helps llows identifying any problems regarding the speed load of the website.

Google Analytics

Jewel in the crown of tools. This amazing gadget allows tracking many important aspect of any person entering your website and identifying patterns on browsing, effectiveness of landing pages or even identifies if the users has completed the checkout process to target audiences for marketing purposes.


WooCommerce is an open-source e-commerce plugin for WordPress and with Elementor Pro allows any small to large-sized online merchants to launch a clean E-commerce website for any business.

Social media integration

The use of social media is unequivocally good and grants a free marketing advertisement campaign for your website. By integrating this into the website, it makes faster and easy for any user to share the website of product into WhatsApp or Facebook.

GDPR Compliant

The General Data Protection Regulation is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy in the European Union and therefore all websites operating in its territory must comply with it.